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Monday, June 10, 2013

Massive Hacker accused

Jeremy Hammond was arrested in a major federal sweep last year on charges of computer hacking conspiracy, computer hacking, and conspiracy to commit access device fraud and the self-described hacktivist pled guilty to these counts in court on Tuesday.
Antisec took charge for hacking into security think tank Strategic Forecasting, in December 2011. One of the group's claims was the theft 200GB worth of data, including e-mails and clients' credit card information.
As part of each of these hacks, who devastated private information stored on computer systems, websites used by each of the entities claimed to be knowing what they’re doing that was against the law. But the feds pinched Hammond, 28, and a handful of other alleged hackers after an insider named
while the authorities were going after hackers in the Lulzsec hacking group at that time, they also arrested Hammond, who they said was part of an Anonymous-affiliated hacktivist group called Antisec.
The group published 860,000 e-mail addresses and 75,000 unencrypted credit card numbers on the Web after the hack existences. FBI also claimed that at least $700,000 worth of unauthorized charges were made to credit card accounts stolen in the hack.
Hammond was accused by the feds of being one of the kingpin hackers allegedly involved in this massive cyber-attack.
Jeremy took accountability for what he did, but should not have faced such a harsh sentence for an act of protest from which he did not personally benefit, as Hammond's brother, Jason Hammond, said in a statement but for Hammond will be sentenced on September 6 and his to faces up to 10 years in prison.

The consumers whose information was conceded in the hack included the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, Department of Defense, Lockheed Martin, and Bank of America.


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