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Monday, May 27, 2013

EU-China Trade War Talk Cooled

Germany chancellor Merkel has promised to reach an agreement with china over import tariffs.
Merkel’s promise follows Li Keqiang warnings that china is not well versed with EU’s probe into pricing practices to China. This follows EU’s move to raise tariffs on China imports like solar panels and phone gears. Merkel has now proposed serious talks between the two parties.
She promised to use Germany influence in the EU to ensure positive results from the talks. She said this is because she doesn’t believe the tariffs will be of any help.
In her words Merkel said, "We should very intensely use the next six months, and Germany will do everything to ensure that the talks will really advance."
Li is on his first overseas tour and this talk is one of his planned issues. Before getting to Germany, Li visited India, Pakistan and Switzerland
Li told the press at a conference in Berlin that imposing tariffs will not only harm jobs in China, as well as development in the affected industries, but it will also affect development and endanger industry in Europe.


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