is what humans do best sometimes it's hard to stop.It can either build you or
destroy you,our life rotates around thoughts.Creation is borne by
thoughts."Let us make man in our own image." What was that? A thought
portrayed through words. A favorite writer Norman Peale once said empty pockets
never held anyone back only empty brains can do that.
What power then lies in a thoughtful mind?
We all
love beautiful things,success and fame but how do we achieve them? The key is
simple "change your thoughts and change your world" If you want to
have that beautiful woman/handsome man visualise yourself with the most
beautiful woman and you will get her.How do i know? There was a time when i had
no penny,three meals were a luxury but deep within me i felt i was destined for greatness.My thoughts were
tunned to just that,"am destined for greatness" i worked hard both in
and outside school with that mentality.Lo and behold! My desire was fulfilled,i
never allowed waves/mist to block my thoughts. When you allow your mind to be
filled with negative thoughts you will surely get the negative things only.When
you feel bad yourself,you block the good things from happening to you and
instead attract more bad situations that will continue to make you feel bad
about yourself.You have the power to control what happens around,you have a
will that every other creature doesn't have.Did you know that the Angels envy
you? They don't know what it feels like to command something to happen "Change
your thoughts and change your world"
As much
as we form our world with thoughts &make the world go round,we can also
kill ourselves with thoughts.When you worry about tomorrow your mind is at work
and if worrying doesn't stop,slowly by slowly you will be killing yourself.The
safest and sweetest way to commit suicide is to think negatively <hey! don't
try this at home!>Think thoughts of perfection. Imperfect thoughts are the
cause of all humanity's ills, including disease, poverty, and unhappiness. When
we think negative thoughts we are cutting ourselves off from our rightful.The
key is not to mind about the unknown, focus on the present don't run ahead of
your time."Don't take tomorrow to bed with you" You will acquire much
more than you can imagine and remember repeating the same thoughts eventually
becomes a habit and in the short run it becomes a reflex.The question is do you
want to be happy?
"There's nothing good or
bad only thinking makes it so."
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